Using SNAP For Treating ADHD Symptoms

Brain Supplement Formula
IED, CD, Anxiety, & Mood Disorders
For Children and Adults
for ages 4 thru adult


  • Promotes Emotional Stability
  • Improves Social Ability
  • Enhance Moods
  • Helps Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Attention - Focus
- Memory - Mood


What to Expect
Getting Desired Results

SNAP is a natural nutrient formula which is safe and effective alternative treatment to prescription medications intended to:

- improve attention, reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity

- improve ability to focus, work and learn

- reduce aggression, provide a calming effect

- improve coping with frustration


It is our interest for you to get the desired results to manage these symptoms with SNAP.

Please take the time to review the following information so you can have the best chance to experience the full benefits that this treatment option can deliver.



Determine the recommended dosage according to the guidelines and don't skip days.

Give half the daily suggested serving in the morning and the other half in the afternoon.

Always go slow with SNAP and give time before making adjustments.

Those with more severe symptoms may need a bit more.

Start with the suggested daily serving size and go a couple of weeks before increasing the amount taken.

If you're not seeing some subtle improvements, you may increase the amount taken.

Some people need a full daily serving in the morning with another half in the afternoons. 

The higher serving of 1.5 times daily will do the job to bring mental clarity and emotional stability for most all people.

Always give time for the nutrients to work before making changes in the amount being taken.

Consistency is key because it will keep the proper levels needed in the body for best results.

Keep in mind that it takes time to see results.

Even with many of the most effective prescription medications, it can take days and weeks for results, sometimes even months.

 It takes a few days to become effective and it will take a few weeks to build up in the body to provide maximum relief of symptoms.

Be consistent. Be patient and keep going.

With SNAP, most users start seeing changes within the first week and the more time that goes by using it consistently and at the proper dosage, the changes can be significant.

While results can start to be seen within the first week or two, it can take 10-12 weeks  to reach full effectiveness for symptom management.

USING THE LIQUID FORMULA : Mixing SNAP with Juices and Beverages

SNAP is a thick liquid formula with an orange flavor. It mixes very well into many juices 

If your child likes orange juice, try Sunny Delight orange drink. This is likely to be a very easy way to administer SNAP.

If the child doesn't like orange juice, try it with another preferred juice or beverage.

Cranberry juice and Gatorade are popular alternatives.

Some prefer it in a smoothie or shake.

If your child is refusing the drink, try using less SNAP in the first few days while they adjust to the flavor.


Pumping SNAP

The pump is intended to provide precision in getting the correct amount.

Keeping SNAP at room temperature will provide the easiest pumping. If it is too cold it will be more difficult to pump the liquid.

As noted with instructions, 2 ml is 10 pumps, 4ml is 20 pumps and 6ml is 30 pumps

It's a lot of pumping when you need 20 or 30 pumps. If that's an issue then it may be more convenient to use a medical dispensing spoon which is marked in ml or a syringe. Just remove the top from the SNAP bottle, get what you need and mix into the beverage. Droppers can work well too. Most droppers that fit the bottle provide 1ml per fill of the dropper. These dropper tops are available at most pharmacies for a dollar or less.

 As tempting as it may be, for greatest accuracy, try not to use a regular household spoon.

OMEGAS - Add Cod Liver Oil for Essential Omega's

There is a wide assortment of fish oil available. Any high quality product will do the job.

Look for the kind that give high EPA as these will bring the best results.

Add the correct amount for age and/or weight.

EPA should be the guide for amount given.

With SNAP, these are some guidelines for the amount of EPA to give daily:

age 4-8 - between 600-800 EPA daily

age 9-12 - between 1000-1200 EPA daily

age 13+  - between 1300-2000 EPA daily


For types to mix with the liquid formula, try Barlean's Omega Swirl or Twin Lab's orange crème flavor, they won't make the fishy bubbles on the juice and they blend in very well with the SNAP.

* when looking at the omega EPA, the numbers given above are ONLY the EPA (not combined with other ingredients in the omegas, such as DHA, Omega 3, etc)


Recognize Signs That It's Working

As with most medications, it will take a few days of use for any signs of change.

Changes are usually very subtle at the start.

Watch for behavior and mood changes to start happening.

While adults can easily express changes they feel when taking medications, children most often aren't able to verbalize them as well.

They may report that they feel good, or different.

They may report that they didn't have trouble in school.

They may just act better at home, may be less emotional or moody.

These are all indications that SNAP has started to have an effect.


Give SNAP Time To Work

It takes time to realize the full impact and effect with SNAP. While the subtle changes most often start within the first few days for some people, it can take a couple of weeks for others.

Given the time and provided the correct amount is being administered, noticeable improvement can be observed. School days get better.

After school gets better.

Starting and finishing homework becomes possible.

Anxiety, aggression, irritability subside.

As time goes on and the body builds up the proper levels of SNAP it just gets better.

The ingredients in SNAP are proven to be effective to manage symptoms and clinical studies have proven they deliver significant results when used regularly.


Directions say to increase the daily dosage if needed, what does that mean?

Because the effect of SNAP varies from person to person (just as the level of ADD or ADHD symptoms they may have), sometimes having the full daily serving size of SNAP in the morning and a little more in the afternoon is beneficial. In this case, take the recommended amount in the morning and then half that amount in the afternoon or later in the day with a maximum of up to two times the lowest dose for the age.

Many prescription medications wear off by late afternoons. SNAP can do the same.

Having a little more in the afternoon may be the answer if there's a lot to be done or extra help to keep symptoms under control are needed.

The longer period of time that SNAP is used, the more balanced the body will be.

At that time, a second serving is a personal choice. If there's high anxiety, too much work, behavior issues, etc., a second serving can be helpful.


Negative Side Effects Of SNAP

Generally, this formula doesn't have negative side effects with short term or long term use.

Some people are extra receptive to the formula and may need less.

Should you notice that issues with mood or anger increase when starting SNAP, reduce the amount being given as these are signs that the person is getting too much.

There are no stimulants, amphetamines, depressants, anxiety drugs, etc. SNAP is a completely natural supplement that simply assists the brain to function as it should - naturally.

How Long Is Treatment Needed For Disorders?

ADD and ADHD symptoms in children most often will stay with them for life. Sometimes they may grow out of it but it's quite possible that it will be a lifelong condition. Adult ADHD is very common. While adults often are able to cope without medication of any kind, others prefer to have the help from an effective medication.

What if SNAP Doesn't Work?

It's possible that can happen but given that this formula directly impacts the brain centers in need of help with symptoms of disorders in children and adults, unless yours is a very severe case, it's more likely that SNAP will do the job for you.

Keep in mind that prescription medications do not deliver perfection and they come with many negative side effects including but not limited to headaches, stomach pain, dizziness, irritability,appetite issues along with the long-term unknown side effects that they can take on the bodies' internal organs.

When it comes to management of symptoms, many people are looking for more than the medication can deliver. There isn't any medication that can eliminate any and all symptoms completely and entirely. In time and with the correct amount and regular use every day, SNAP can help to achieve management of the symptoms and improve the quality of life for most.

Taking SNAP In Addition To Other Medications

Safety is priority number one. Consult with your Doctor if you have any health issues or concerns.

If you are currently on other medications, it is always a good idea to be sure there isn't a conflict between what you are taking and SNAP.

A phone call to your local pharmacist should provide the answer to that.


In searching for effective treatment of symptoms in children and adults, while there are many prescriptions and alternative medications available today, in reality, none of them can completely and entirely cure disorders. In fact, there is NO cure for them and the best you can do is manage well,

All treatments and medications work differently for different people.

None of them are going to be 100% effective on 100% of the symptoms for 100% of the people seeking control.


With continued use, SNAP has shown to be highly effective for many of the most problematic symptoms and without negative side effects known with use of prescriptions.

Use SNAP as directed for a few weeks and expect to see positive changes that will improve the quality of life for those afflicted with ADHD, ODD, DMDD, ASD, Anxiety and/or Depression.

Continue to use regularly for ongoing management of symptoms without worry of negative side effects on the body from long-term use.

SNAP makes life with ADHD, ODD, DMDD, ASD, Anxiety and/or Depression better

- safely and naturally.

Other Questions Or Assistance

Visit our frequently asked questions page about our safe and effective natural adhd medication


Feel free to contact us, a friendly staff member will be happy to help.

Need an extra bottle or two for an afternoon booster to manage long days or tasks?

Extra bottles available at discounted rates, just request one here.


The ADD/ADHD "disorder" is quite often found in the most highly creative, talented and intelligent people. Many go on to become extremely successful in life. They can make the quick decisions, take risk if needed and get things done..


There's a good expectation that most children and adults with ADHD are, in fact, highly intelligent. With good management, they have the best chance to realize their full potential.


Failing to manage properly can result in a lifetime of disappointments, frustrations and failing to achieve what otherwise could have been possible.

Read more about successful people with ADHD


We are glad you're using SNAP for help in managing symptoms in need and we are confident that if you give it the time it's going to help in making better in many ways.


Don't Run Out

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